Chairperson's Message
BS Economics And Mathematics

Sir Syed University of Engineering
and Technology

Chairperson Message

Welcome to the Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology. I am honored to serve as the chairperson of the Department of Mathematics.
The Department of Mathematics is to provide an excellent academic and research environment to produce graduates not only in the discipline of Mathematics but in engineering, science, business, and computation, who can do better for themselves and for society. To achieve this, we have dedicated faculty.
The objective of our department also is to produce graduates who can not only work in various areas of modern life where computing is required but also, can do research in Computing for a better tomorrow. To achieve this, our department offers both undergraduate (BS Mathematics) and graduate programs (MS Mathematics). Our curriculum follows the Higher Education Commission (HEC) guidelines to offer courses that can help students to acquire knowledge.

Dr. Asma Zaffar
Chairperson & Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics

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