Hardware Basics, Windows Basics, Linux Basics, MacOS Basics, Protection and Safety, PC Tools, Maintenance, Cases and For Factors, Power Supplies, Motherboards and Buses, Motherboard Troubleshooting, Processors, Processor Troubleshooting, Memory, Memory Troubleshooting, BIOS/UEF, Expansion Cards, Peripheral Devices, USB, Display Devices, Video Troubleshooting, Device Driver Management, Storage Devices, SATA, Optical Media, RAID, File Systems, File Creation, Storage Management, Storage Spaces, Disk Optimization, Storage Troubleshooting, Networking Overview, Network Hardware, Networking Media, Ethernet, IP Networking, IP Configuration, IP Version 6, Internet Connectivity, Network Utilities, Network Troubleshooting, Wireless, Infrared, Bluetooth and NFC, SOHO Configuration, Internet of Things, Wireless Network Troubleshooting, Windows System Tools, Preferences and Settings, Performance Monitoring, Active Directory, Users and Groups, Remote Services, Laptops, Laptop Components, Laptop Power Management, Mobile Devices, Mobile Device Networking, Mobile Device Security, Component Selection, Windows Pre-installation, Windows Installation, Post-Installation, Virtualization.
B.E Tech Computer Engineering Technology
Sir Syed University of Engineering
and Technology
and Technology
Computer Hardware Systems
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Credit Hours:
1+1 (1+3)
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