B.E Tech Computer Engineering Technology

Sir Syed University of Engineering
and Technology

Data Structures

Course Code
Credit Hours:
2+2 (2+6)

Introduction to Data structures, linear structures, and Dynamic structures. Arrays, Queue, Stack, Stack Operations, Lists – Singly-linked lists, doubly linked lists and circular linked lists. Operations on linked list (Traversal, Deletion, Insertion).

Searching and Sorting Algorithms. Complexity Analysis. Hashing, Hash structures like Hash tables, Hash Set, Trees – binary trees, binary tree basic algorithms and traversals (In-order, Pre-order, -Order). Graphs – Binary Search Trees (BSTs) representation and traversal (insertion, deletion). Heaps and heap sort, Graphs, Breadth First, Depth first, topological sort, shortest path algorithm.

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Don't DELETE, This is hidden,
styling and css is used for custom data showing,
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