B.E Tech Computer Engineering Technology

Sir Syed University of Engineering
and Technology

Object Oriented Programming

Course Code
Credit Hours:
1+2 (1+6)

Introduction to OOP, Object Oriented programming vs. procedural programming, advantages of object
oriented programming. OOP in Java, basic intro to loop and conditional statements in JAVA. Classes,
data members and member functions. Member access, constructors, static data members, scope
resolution operator. Memory allocated for objects. Unary, binary, comparison, Arithmetic assignment
operator overloading, Data conversion. Inheritance, base and derived classes, casting base class to
derived class, public, protected, friendly and private inheritance, overriding member functions.
Overridden functions, abstract base class, and this pointer. Abstraction using abstract classes and
interfaces. Polymorphism, run time and compile time polymorphism. Packages, Exception handling,
try/catch/finally blocks, throwing an exception, re-throwing and exception, Graphical user interface
using java fx, event handling, database connectivity and DML commands insert, update, delete,
prepared statement.

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Don't DELETE, This is hidden,
styling and css is used for custom data showing,
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