Signals and their Classification, Basic Continuous and Discrete-Time Signals, Operations on Signals Systems and Classification of Systems. Linear Time-Invariant Systems- Response of a Continuous-Time LTI System and Convolution, Integral Properties of Continuous and Discrete-Time LTI System, Response of a Discrete-Time LTI System and Convolution Sum, Properties of Convolution, Systems Described by Difference and Differential Equations. Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of Some Common Signals, Properties of Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Solving Differential Equations by Using Laplace Transform. z-Transform, z-Transform of some Common Signals, Properties of z-Transform, Inverse z-Transform, Solving Difference Equations by Using z-Transform. Fourier Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems, Fourier Series Representations of Periodic Signals, Fourier Transform, Properties of Continuous-time Fourier Transform Frequency Response of Continuous-Time LTI Systems. Sampling Theorem, Discrete Fourier Series, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), Properties of Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Frequency Response of Discrete-time LTI Systems Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Properties of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Circular Convolution Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Experiments related to generating various signals and sequences, Operations on signals and sequences, plot frequency responses of periodic and aperiodic continuous and discrete time signals. Correlation and convolution of two signals.
- Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Andrew E. Yagle, “Signals and Systems: Theory and Applications”, Michigan Publishing Services, 2018, ISBN-13: 978-1607854869 or latest edition.
- Hwei Hsu, “Schaum’s Outline of Signals and Systems”, McGraw-Hill, 4th edition, 2019, 978-1260454246 latest edition.
- Alex Palamides, Anastasia Veloni, “Signals and Systems Laboratory with MATLAB”, CRC Press, 2010, ISBN 13: 9781439894293 or latest edition.
- Simon Haykin, Barry Van, “Signals And Systems”, Wiley, 2nd edition, 20078, ISBN-13: 978-8126512652 or latest edition.Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, Pearson, 11th Edition, 2015, ISBN-13: 9780137506309 or latest edition.