ORIC office organized Oxford Webinar topic was “How to get Publish” for SSUET Faculty and interested Staff members in that webinar Speaker provided some key points Info on OUP’s useful resources – worth checking and familiarising yourself with these resources prior to submission, Manuscript preparation and structure, Selecting the right journal, Considerations prior to submission, Navigating the submission and peer review process, what to expect after acceptance? Licensing, publication charges and OA options and Promoting your article post-publication. Focal person from ORIC-SSUET was Dr. Dure-Jabeen. It was a very useful and Informative webinar from Oxford Publishing.
FICS’24 NUST Competitions
FICS [Finding Innovation and creative solution] is an important component of NUST’s overarching goal to bring about a positive, discernible impact in the society by applying scientific knowledge and tools. It has been structured as a 3-stage competition and requires...