
Department (s)
BS in Computer Science, SSUET
- Award full scholarship for Ph.D. as a Graduate Assistantship (GA) in Electrical & Electronics Engg. Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia.
- Participated in Sixth all Software Competition Organized by Dr. A. Q. Khan & Research Lab in Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Best Teacher award of SSUET in 2020-2021
During 20 years’ of association with this University, I taught subjects of:
- Postgraduate: Advance Computer Architecture, Research Methodology, FPGA Systems, Simulation and Modelling, Smart Grid, Sensors and Systems.
- Bachelor: Electrical Power Distribution and Utilization, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Digital Logic Design, Digital Signal Processing, Microwave, Navigational Aids, Radar System, Instrumentation, Circuit Analysis, Linear and Digital Control System, Principles of Analog & Digital Communication.
In addition to this, I am also working/worked as: - Worked as Chairman in Electronics Engineering Department from 1 July to 20 Aug. 2018.
- Coordinator of B.Sc. Technology Program.
- Departmental Head of CQI.
- Departmental Head of Research Cluster.
- Trainer for online Capacity Building Program.
- Coordinator of OBE.
- Member of Moderation committee.
- Member of Board of studies.
- Member of Curriculum committee.
- Member of CoC implementation.
- Member of Board of faculty.
Research interest in Electromagnetic Fields and advanced Electrical Machines
Research Automatic grants and Contracts.
• Design and Implementation of WiMAX-based Time Domain OFDM Channel using FPGA under the grant HEC, Pakistan. Working as a Principle Investigator and grant amount 390,000/= Pak rupees.
• Development of dedicated electrodes-based transmitters for the onshore and offshore oil and gas detection under a grant of HEC, Pakistan. Working as a Co-Principle Investigator and grant amount 447,000/= Pak Rupees.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Energy Management and Control System under the grant of Ignite, HEC Pakistan. Working as a Principle Investigator and grant amount 79,000/= Pak rupees.
• Automatic sorting machine under the grant of Ignite, HEC Pakistan, 80,000/= Pak Rupees.
Selected Professional Presentations:
“RISC-V based processor design” on 23rd of Feb, 2022
Research Publications Journals | Year | HEC approved
(Yes/ No) |
Impact Factor |
1. “On Time Domain OFDM Channel Estimation: Use of Pilots Correlation for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Cable Receiver”. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., 2015, (Published in Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials– Rapid Communications ISI indexed). | 2015 | Yes | 0.412 |
2. “Microwave Sensor for Non-destructive Dielectric Characterization of Biological Systems”. M. T. Jilani, Wong Peng Wen, Rehman, M. U & A. M. Khan, 2016, (Published in International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISI indexed). | 2016 | Yes | 0.8 |
3. “Congestion Detection and Alleviation in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks”. Omer Chughtai, Nasreen Badruddin, A. M. Khan, 2017, (Published in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, ISI indexed). | 2017 | Yes | 0.92 |
4. “An implementation of IoT-based microwave sensing system for the evaluation of tissues moisture”. Muhammad Taha Jilani, Muhammad Zaka Ur Rehman, A. M. Khan, 2018, (Published in Microelectronics Journal, ISI indexed). | 2018 | Yes | 1.16 |
5. “Effects of Defected Ground Structure Slot Tuning on Frequency and Circuit Parameters of Bandpass Filter”. M. T. Khan, M. T. Jilani, A. M. Khan, 2018, (Published in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, ISI indexed). | 2018 | Yes | 0.39 |
6. “Pilot-Based Time Domain SNR Estimation for Broadcasting OFDM Systems”. A. M. Khan, Jeoti V, M. Z. Ur Rehman, M. T. Jilani, 2018, (Published in Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, ISI indexed). | 2018 | Yes, Y category | ISI indexed |
7. “Skin depth verification of the electromagnetic waves for hydrocarbon detection”. Muhammad Rauf, A. M. Khan, Ansari, Adeel (Published in International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISI indexed). | 2018 | Yes | 0.8 |
8. “3D Printing using Fused Filament Fabrication”. A. M. Khan, Muhammad Talha Khan, Muhammad Faisal, 2020, (Published in KIET Journal of Computing & Information Sciences). | 2020 | Yes, Y category | No |
9. “FPGA-based Time Domain Channel Estimation in Gaussian Mixture Model”, M. Khalid, A. M. Khan, M Rauf, 2021, (Published in Mathematical Problem in Engineering Journal, ISI indexed). | 2021 | Yes | 1.009 |
10. “Performance of Channel Estimation Schemes in the presence of Gaussian Mixture Model”, Saveeta Bai, A. M. Khan, Muhammad Rauf, Haresh Kumar, Published in International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISI Indexed. | 2021 | Yes, X category | ISI Indexed |
11. “Application of IoT for power controlling in the smart home”. Published in Journal of Independent studies and research computing, ISI Indexed. | 2021 | Yes, Y category | No |
12. “Application of Deep learning for millimeter wave”, Saveeta Bai, M. Rauf, A. M. Khan, 2021, Published in Journal of Independent studies and research computing, ISI Indexed | 2021 | Yes, Y category | No |
13. “Formation control of Multiple UAVs using PID control approach”, M. Shafeeq, A. M. Khan, 2021 (Published in International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, ISI indexed). | 2022 | Yes, X category | ISI indexed |
14. “A brief review of measuring techniques for characterization of dielectric materials”. M. T. Jilani, Syed Muzummil Ali, Rehman, M. U, A. M. Khan., 2012, (Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering). | 2012 | No | No |
15. “Robust Symbol Timing Synchronization for OFDM Systems Using PN Sequence”. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., M. A. Zakariya, & Rehman, M. U. (2014). (Published in International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 4(3), 230, Scopus indexed). | 2014 | No | No |
Research Publications Book Chapters | Publishers | |
16. “Investigation of DGS CDRA for High Gain Applications”. M. A. Zakariya, Syed Muzammil Ali, Zuhari Baharudin, Rehman, M. U., A. M. Khan. (Published in Book with title 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications. Springer International Publishing”, V (398), 2016. (pp. 571-580), Scopus indexed. | Springer, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 398)
17. “Pilot Based Pre FFT Signal to Noise Ratio Estimation for OFDM Systems in Rayleigh-Fading channel”. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., and M. Azman Zakariya. (Published in Book with title Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology. Springer International Publishing”, V (315), (2015), ISI indexed. | Springer, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 315) | |
Research Publications Patent/Copy Right | ||
1. Jeoti, V., A. M. Khan, (2014). “A Novel Channel Estimation Technique Based on Time Domain-Pilot Correlation (TD-PC) for Digital Video Broadcasting OFDM Systems”. (Filed) | ||
2. Jeoti, V., A. M. Khan, (2014). “Novel Pilot-based Pre FFT Signal-to-Noise Estimation for OFDM Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel”. (Filed) | ||
Research Publications Conferences | National / International | |
3. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., & M. A. Zakariya, (2013). “Improved pilot-based LS, MMSE channel estimation using DFT for DVB-T OFDM systems”. In Wireless Technology and Applications ISWTA), 2013 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 120-124). IEEE. (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
4. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., & M. A. Zakariya, (2014). “Pilot based Pre FFT channel estimation for OFDM systems in Rayleigh-fading channel”. In Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2014, 5th International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
5. A. M. Khan, Jeoti, V., (2015). “Time Domain Channel Estimation Using Scattered Pilots for DVB-H OFDM Systems”. In 30th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA-2015, USA. (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
6. A. M. Khan, Jeoti V, M. Z. Ur Rehman, M. T. Jilani and M. A. Zakariya. “A Cyclic Correlation-based Time Domain Channel Estimation Scheme”. In Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2016, 6th International Conference on. IEEE. (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
7. A. M. Khan, Jeoti V, M. Z. Ur Rehman and M. T. Jilani. “Noise Power Estimation for Broadcasting OFDM Systems, 2017, IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
8. Syed Muhammad Humza, Muhammad Rauf, A. M. Khan, “Efficient HED Antenna Design for Exploring Scaled Offshore Oil Reservoir”, 2018, IEEE 21st International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC). (Published, ISI/Scopus indexed) | International | |
9. Taha, Muhammad Rauf, A. M. Khan, “Seabed Logging Validation in Lab Scale Setup”, 2018, 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS). (Published) | International | |
10. Sheraz Afzal, A.M. Khan, M. Rauf, “Design and Implementation of Single Board Solution- Arduino Graphic Studio”, (Accepted in NED Conference) | National | |
11. A. M. Khan, Muhammad Rauf, “IoT based Linear Models Analysis for Demand-Side Management of Energy in Residential Buildings”, GCWOT 2020 Malaga Spain Conference (Paper Presented) | International | |
12. Muhammad Rauf, Muhammad Aamir, A. M. Khan, “Prospects of Efficient radio-frequency based underwater Wireless Data Transfer” GCWOT 2020 Malaga Spain Conference (Paper Presented). | International |
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