Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering
Control Engineering
Wireless Communication,
Journal Papers:
1. Lubna Farhi, Farhan, “Active Compliant PID Learning Control for Grinding Robots”; Journal of Mehran University Research Journal for Engineering and Technology
(MURJET),Accepted: 30-12-2020.
2. Lubna Farhi, Farhan,” The Automatic Oxygen Saturation Control System by Adaptive Learning Controller for COVID-19 Patients”, QUEST RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOL. 18, NO. 2, PP. 138–144, JUL–DEC, 2020
3. Lubna Farhi, Farhan,” Autoregressive Moving Average with Exogenous Excitation Model for Acoustic Scattering from Underwater Objects”, QUEST research journal, Dec.2020.
4. Farhi, Lubna, Adeel Yusuf, and Rana Hammad Raza. “Adaptive stochastic segmentation via energy convergence for a brain tumor in MR images.” Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 46 (2017): 303-311, Impact Factor:2.16
5. Agha Y., Lubna F., Sadia A. Ume L., Ibrar H. “Advance Modulation Scheme for Visible Light Communication”, IMCES’19 and published in “ Indian Journal of Science & Technology”, ISSN 0974-6846,09745645, IC Value:5.02, Thomson Reuters, Web of Science”, 2019.
6. Lubna Farhi. “Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Classifiers for Brain Tumor MR Images”, Vol 8, issue1, SSURJET, 2018, ISSN No.#1997-0641, 2415-2048
7. Farhi Lubna, Zain Anwer Ali “Multiple Color Making System Using PLC”, Vol 8, issue 2, SSURJET, 2019, ISSN No. #1997-0641, 2415-2048.
8. Farhi, Lubna. “ Dynamic location estimation by Kalman Filter”, UBICC Journal, Volume 6, 2012, ISSN No.#1992-8424
9. Farhi, Lubna. “Inverse system identification to compensate for the copper transmission medium by the adaptive filter”, UBICC Journal, Volume 3, NO.3, 2008, ISSN No.#1992-8424
10. Dr. Agha Yasir Ali, Dr. Lubna Farhi, “Performance Optimization of Visible Light” Accepted,“ Indian Journal of Science & Technology”, ISSN 0974-6846,09745645, IC
11. Lubna Farhi, Agha Yasir. The Optimized Hybrid Model for Gaussian Noise Reduction images. QUEST research journal. vol. 19, no. 1, 2021.
12. Lubna Farhi, Farhan,” Adaptive learning control and monitoring system of Oxygen Saturation”, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Impact Factor: 1,71.
13. Farhi, Lubna, Adeel Yusuf, “Convolution based Deep Belief Learning Model for Brain tumor Classification.” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (under review), Impact Factor: 0.99
14. Lubna, Farhan, Agha,” Parametric Model for Acoustic Scattering of Impulse Response Signal from Underwater Objects”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Submitted
date: 28-02-2020.
15. Farhi, L., Kazmi, S.M., Imam, H., Alqahtani, M. and Rehman, F.U., 2022. Dermoscopic Image Classification Using Deep Belief Learning Network Architecture. Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022.
16. Farhi, L., Kazmi, S.M., Imam, H., Alqahtani, M. and Rehman, F.U., 2022. Dermoscopic Image Classification Using Deep Belief Learning Network Architecture. Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022.
17. Farhi, L. and Yasir, A., 2022. Optimized Intelligent Auto-Regressive Neural Network Model (ARNN) for Prediction of Non-Linear Exogenous Signals. Wireless Personal Communications, 124(2), pp.1151-1167.
18. Ahmed, M., Ahmed, M., Javeed, M., Farhi, L., Huque, I.U., Yousaf, A., and Rasheed, M.A., 2022. Energy Trading and Control in Microgrid Network by using Blockchain Technology. VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering
19. Rasheed, M.A., Rasheed, M.A., Tanweer, H.A., Yawar, S.J. and Farhi, L., 2022. A Review on Machine Learning-Based Neural Network Techniques for Flood Prediction. VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering
Conference Papers:
1. ‘Autonomous Car Based On Neural Network’ In The Global Conference On Wireless & Optical Technologies 2021 (Gcwot’21). Feb 2022.
2. Farhi, Lubna, and Farhan, “Adaptive Learning Control and Monitoring of Oxygen Saturation for COVID-19 Patients”; BIOSTEC2021; Feb.2021; Portugal.
3. Farhi, Lubna, and Farhan, “Signal Identification of Underwater Objects Using Autoregressive Moving Average with Exogenous excitation Model”; Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies (GCWOT’20); 2020; Malaga, Spain (Paper Present in Oct 2020)
4. Farhi, Lubna, and Adeel Yusuf. “Comparison of brain tumor MRI classification methods using probabilistic features.” Biomedical Engineering (BioMed), 2017 13th IASTED International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
5. Lubna Farhi. “Formation Control of multiple UAV’s via decentralized control approach”. ICSAI (2018), IEEE, International Conference on system and information, Nanjing, China
6. Farhi, Lubna, Lian Zhao.” Constrained Weighted Least Square Optimization for Vehicle Position Tracking” in IEEE Globecom, Wireless Communications Symposium, USA, DOI no.1569204101, 2009.
7. Farhi, Lubna. “System Identification by Adaptive Filter” International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST), 2007
8. Farhi, Lubna.“Signal Separation in a Symmetric Adaptive Noise Canceller by LMS Algorithm using MATLAB” 3rd International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences
and Technology (IBCAST), No.4131, 2004
9. Farhi, Lubna. “Signal Separation in an Adaptive Noise Canceller using MATLAB”, IEEEP -18th Multi-topic international symposium, Pakistan, 2003
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