Associate Professor,
Associate Chairperson
Dr. Shaheena Noor
Online Publications
Department (s)
Computer Engineering
Humdard University
Computer Systems
NED University of Engineering and Technology
Computer Engineering
Usman Institute of Technology
I did my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering with a specialization in Computer Vision and Image Processing from Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan. I did my master’s in Computer Systems from NED University of Engineering and Technology and a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering from Usman Institute of Technology. I have an experience in the areas of Research and Academics. I have written more than 10 research papers in different journals, conferences, and book chapters. My research interests are object recognition, activity recognition, etc. Also serving as a reviewer for local and well-reputed International Journals.
Dr. Shaheena Noor, Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Dr. Najma Ismat, Engr. Muhammad Imran Saleem, “Comparative Techniques using Hierarchical Modelling and Machine Learning for Procedure Recognition in Smart Hospitals”, Journal of ICT Standardization, on 6th MAY 2022, Vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 145-164, Publisher: River publishers
Shaheena Noor, Maria Waqas, Muhammad Imran Saleem & Humera Noor Minhas, “Automatic Object Tracking and Segmentation using Unsupervised SiamMask”, IEEE Access, 28th July 2021 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3101054
Dure Jabeen, S.M. Ghazanfar Monir, Shaheena Noor, Muhammad Rafiullah, Munsif Ali Jatoi, “Color image watermarking using spatiochromatic complex Hadamard transform in sequency domain”, World Journal of Engineering, 16 July 2021, 2021-0176
Najma Ismat, Rehan Qureshi, Rabia Noor Enam, Shaheena Noor, and Muhammad Tahir, “Cluster Estimation in Terrestrial and Underwater Sensor Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications (WPC), October 2020.
Shaheena Noor and Vali Uddin, “First Person Vision for Activity Prediction Using Probabilistic Modeling,” Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 545–558, October 2018.
Shaheena Noor, Vali Uddin, and Dur-e-Jabeen, “Probabilistic Hierarchical Model Using First Person Vision for Scenario Recognition,” Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1 – 15, Sep 10th September 2018. [Online]. Available:
Shaheena Noor and Vali Uddin, “Using context from inside-out vision for improved activity recognition,” IET Computer Vision, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 276 – 287, 19th March 2018.
Muhammad Imran Saleem, Abdul Moid Khan, Shaheena Noor, and Muhammad Aamir, “Framework for Smart E-health Monitoring System”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 10, issue 29, August 2017.
Papers published in refereed conference proceedings:
Shaheena Noor, Humera Noor Minhas, Muhammad Imran Saleem, Vali Uddin, and Najma Ismat, “Inside-out Vision for Procedure Recognition in Dental Environment”, Global Conference on Wireless & Optical Technologies 2020 (GCWOT’20), 6th – 8th Oct 2020, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/GCWOT49901.2020.9391594.
Muhammad Imran Saleem; Pablo Otero; Shaheena Noor; Rashid Aftab, “Full Duplex Smart System for Deaf & Dumb and Normal People”, Global Conference on Wireless & Optical Technologies 2020 (GCWOT’20), 6th – 8th Oct 2020, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/GCWOT49901.2020.9391593.
Muhammad Talha Abid, Akmal elahi Shaikh, Muhammad Sufyan, Safeer Muhammad, and Shaheena Noor, “An Augmented Reality Shooting Game,” 2nd International Conference on Latest trends in Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (INTELLECT), pp. 1 – 5, 13- 14 November 2019.
Hashir Ali, Mahrukh Khursheed, Syeda Kulsoom Fatima, Syed Muhammad Shuja, and Shaheena Noor, “Object Recognition for dental Instruments using SSD- Mobile Net,” 1st International Conference on Information Science & Communication Technology (ICISCT19), 9 10 March 2019.
M. Zeerak Khan, Faizan Hassan, M. Usman, Usman Ansari, and Shaheena Noor, “Virtual reality in multiplayer carrom game with artificial intelligence,” in 2018 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS), Nov 2018, pp. 1–5.
Najma Ismat, Rehan Qureshi, Rabia Noor Enam, Shaheena Noor, and Muhammad Tahir, “Improving connectivity and coverage in mobile wireless sensor networks,” 3rd Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (GC-WOC 2018), 1 – 3 October 2018.
Syed Faizan Ali, Shaheena Noor, Syed Aaqib Azmat, Ahmed Ullah Noor, and Hammad Siddiqui, “Virtual Reality as a Physical Training Assistant,” in 7th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies (ICICT 2017), 30 – 31, December 2017.
Syed Faizan Ali, Syed Aaqib Azmat, Ahmed Ullah Noor, Hammad Siddiqui, and Shaheena Noor, “Virtual Reality as a Tool for Physical Training,” in First International Conference on Latest trends in Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (INTELLECT 2017), Nov 15 – 16, November 2017, pp. 1–6.
Shaheena Noor and Vali Uddin, “Probabilistic Hierarchical Model for Scenario Recognition,” 2nd Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (GC-WOC 2017), 18 – 20 September 2017.
Muhammad Imran Saleem, Abdul Moid Khan, Shaheena Noor, and Muhammad Aamir, “Framework for Smart E-health Monitoring System,” 3rd International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET-2017), 8 – 10 August 2017.
Shaheena Noor and Vali Uddin, “Using ANN for Multi-view Activity Recognition in Indoor Environment,” 14th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT-2016), 19 – 21 December 2016.
Shaheena Noor and Dr. Vali Uddin, “Mapreduce for High-Speed Feature Identification for Computer Vision Applications,” 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC-2016), 23 – 24 September 2016.
Shaheena Noor and Vali Uddin, “Mapreduce for Multi-view Object Recognition,” the 2016 International Conference on High-Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), 18 – 22 July 2016.
Shaheena Noor, Humera Noor Minhas, and Aqeel Ur Rehman, “Using Gaze Directed vision to identify the focus of attention in pervasive healthcare systems,” 14th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC 2011), December 2011.
Humera Noor and Shaheena Noor, “Effect of Data Preprocessing on Machine Learning,” Workshop on Women in Machine Learning colocated with Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), December 2010.
Shaheena Noor and Humera Noor, “Design and Development of model for Multiview object classification System using Video Stream,” Workshop on Women in Machine Learning co-located with Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), December 2010.
Humera Noor, Shaheena Noor, and Dr. Shahid Hafiz Mirza, “Multi-view Object Categorization using Video,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposium, 13th 17th April 2009
Shaheena Noor and Humera Noor Minhas, “Context-Aware Perception for Cyber-Physical Systems,” Book Chapter: Computational Intelligence
for Decision Support in Cyber-Physical Systems-Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 540, pp. 149 – 167, February 2014.
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