Associate Professor

Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali
Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Associate Professor
Online Publications
Department (s)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, July 2015 – May 2019 (Majors: Water Resources Engineering)
Thesis: Hydrodynamic Instability of Partially Submerged Vehicles in Low-Lying Flood Prone Regions
Master of Science (MSc.)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia
MSc. in Civil Engineering, Dec 2011 – April 2014 (Majors: Water Resources Engineering)
Thesis: Effects of Grass Cover on Erosion from Slope due to Rainfall
Bachelor of Science (BSc.)
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET), Pakistan
BSc. in Civil Engineering, 2006 – 2010
CGPA: 3.60/4.0 (83.91%)
Intermediate (Pre-Engineering)
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Intermediate College, Masroor Base Karachi, Pakistan
Intermediate – April 2005 (1st Division)
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, Pakistan
Matriculation (Science)
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Intermediate College, Masroor Base Karachi, Pakistan
Matriculation – April 2003 (1st Division)
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, Pakistan
Certification Courses
1. Certification in Quantity Surveying (Surveyed marble, cement, aggregates and steel) on 10th September 2008 at SSUET, Pakistan
2. A course in Structural Design and Analysis on 2nd April 2009 at Skill Development Council Pakistan (Duration: 2 months)
3. Certification in Communication Skills on 21st June 2010, conducted by the Dept. of English at SSUET, Pakistan
4. Journal Writing Course held on 2nd May 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
5. Certification of passing the Research Methodology Course (Course Code: SNB5032) from 14th May 2012 to 17th May 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
6. Short Course on Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on 5th to 7th June 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
7. Stress and Time Management Seminar organized by International Student Council on 23rd June 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
8. Lecture of Conventional Offshore Structures and Pipeline organized by Total Professeurs Associes from 6th to 9th November 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
9. Discover PETRONAS: Explore. Engage. Inspire held on 28th and 29th November 2012, organized by Sponsorship and Talent Sourcing PETRONAS at UTP, Malaysia
10. Short Course on Advanced Materials from 17th to 19th December 2012 at UTP, Malaysia
Dr. Syed Muzzamil Hussain Shah (HEC Approved Ph.D. Supervisor) obtained his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi (2010), Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (2014) and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (2019). His earlier backgrounds are Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering.
His area of research is more focused on the assessment of limiting thresholds for partially submerged non-static vehicles attempting to cross low-lying flood prone regions (sub-critical flows). Dr. Shah has published several Research Articles in reputed journals. He has so far made a few immense achievements by securing Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals through different exhibitions. Further, he has filed Patents, and trademarks and has two Book Chapters, published.
Among professional engineering bodies, Dr. Shah is a member of the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Institute of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Australian Water Association (AWA), and UTP Alumni Association.
Professional Affiliations
1. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Registered Engineer, Member Id: Civil/29813
2. Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Incorporated Member, Member Id: 89519
Key Publications
1. S.M.H. Shah, K.W. Yusof, Z. Mustaffa, and A. Mustafa, The Raindrop Impact on the Water Discharge and Sediment Transport under the Full-Scale Test, GSTF International Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), (Vol. 2, No. 1, pages 127-131; 2013). GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology, Singapore.
2. S.M.H. Shah, K.W. Yusof, Z. Mustaffa and A. Mustafa, The Influence of Cover on the Water Quality and Suspended Solids under the Simulated Rainfall Condition, Modern Applied Science (Vol. 7, No. 7, Pages 42-47; 2013). The Canadian Centre of Science and Education. Scopus
3. S.M.H. Shah, K.W. Yusof, Z. Mustaffa and A. Mustafa, The Impact of Providing Surface Cover on the Soil Loss and Water Discharge under the Moderate Rainfall Event, Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy (Vol. 3, No. 11, Pages 229-233; 2013). International Institute for Science, Technology, and Education (IISTE) Thailand. Indexed Copernicus
4. S.M.H. Shah, K.W. Yusof, Z. Mustaffa and A. Mustafa, Concentration of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Influenced by the Simulated Rainfall Event on Highway Embankment, IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology (Vol. 6, Issue: 6, Pages 493-496; 2014). doi: 10.7763/IJET.2014.V6.747. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press.
5. K.W. Yusof, S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa and A. Mustafa, Response of Partially Covered Road Embankments and its Environmental Impact, Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 567, Pages 133-138; 2014). doi:10.4028/ Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. ESCI
6. S.M.H. Shah, K.W. Yusof, Z. Mustaffa and A. Mustafa, Assessment of the Detached Soil Particles and Water Discharge from a Bare Soil Surface under the Simulated Rainfall Conditions, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (Vol. 7, Issue: 11, Pages 2217-2224; 2014). Maxwell Scientific Organization, UK. Scopus
7. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa and K.W. Yusof, Disasters Worldwide and Floods in the Malaysian Region: A Brief Review, Indian Journal of Science and Technology (Vol. 10, Issue: 2, Pages 1-9; 2017). doi: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i2/110385. Informatics Publishing Limited, India. Master Journal List – Clarivate Analytics
8. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa, K.W. Yusof and M.F.M. Nor, Influence of Forces on Vehicle’s Instability in Floodwaters, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Online). (Vol. 09, Issue: 4, Pages: 3245-3258; 2018). doi: ISI Indexed (Elsevier),
9. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa and K.W. Yusof, Experimental Studies on the Threshold of Vehicle Instability in Floodwaters, Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) (Vol. 80, Issue: 5, Pages: 25-36; 2018). ESCI
10. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa, K.W. Yusof, M.Z. Zainuddin, M.A.M. Ghazali and M.I. Mokhtar, Design Considerations of an Advanced Flood Cautionary Sign for Vehicles Safety at Low Lying Areas, Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ Special Issue Vol. 5| No.3|Pages: 162-173; 2018). Scopus
11. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa, E. Matínez-Gomariz, D.K. Kim and K.W. Yusof, Criterion of Vehicle Instability in Floodwaters: Past, Present and Future, International Journal of River Basin Management (IJRBM). (Vol. 19, Issue: 01, Pages: 1-23; 2021). doi: 10.1080/15715124.2019.1566240. Accepted author version posted online: 08 Jan
2019. ESCI (Taylor & Francis)
12. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa and K.W. Yusof, Numerical Framework to Determine Instability Modes for Static Vehicles under Partial Submergence, International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE). (Vol. 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 186-194; 2019). doi: ESCI
13. Z. Mustaffa, S.M.H. Shah, M.A. Malek, W.N.M. Noor and E.H.H. Al-Qadami, Influence of Inflow-Outflow Systems for Natural Mixing in a Retention Pond, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET). (Vol. 10, Issue: 6, Pages: 324-335; 2019)
14. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa and K.W. Yusof, Impact of Hydrodynamic Forces on a Static Vehicle at Varying Froude numbers under Partial Submergence and Subcritical Flow Conditions. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences (IJAAS), (Vol. 6, Issue: 11, Pages: 35-41; 2019). ESCI
15. S.M.H. Shah, Z. Mustaffa, E. Matínez-Gomariz, K.W. Yusof and E.H.H. Al-Qadami, Hazard Risks Pertaining to Nonstationary Vehicles under Subcritical flows on Low-Lying Roadways. Results in Engineering. In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 28 August 2019. Scopus
Published Conferences:
1. S.M.H. Shah, N. Qamar, A.A. Nathani, M. Bilal, M. Tasin, M.A. Rehman. An Innovative Approach to Study Environmental Friendly Structure Focusing on Rainwater Harvesting (RWH),
2nd International Multidisciplinary Digital Conference (IMDC), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, SZAB Campus Khairpur Mir’s,
Pakistan (November 13-14, 2021), Page 56.
2. S.M.H. Shah, E.H.H. Al-Qadami, N. Qamar, Z. Mustaffa, E. Matínez-gomariz, A.A. Nathani, M. Bilal, M. Tasin, M.A. Rehman. Identification of a Sustainable Approach to Conserve Rain Water – A Conceptual Study, Global Conference on Wireless & Optical Technologies (GCWOT’21) – 14th to 17th February 2022, ETSI Telecomunicación Malaga – Spain. DOI: 10.1109/GCWOT53057.2022.9772916. Scopus
Research Projects
1. N. Qamar, Z. Hussain, S. Hussain and F. Ahmed. An Experimental Approach to Enhance the Process of Desalination – Civil Engineering Department, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi – Pakistan, 2022. (Ongoing)
2. A. A. Nathani, M. A. Rehman, M. Bilal and M. Tasin, An Innovative Approach to Study Environmental Friendly Structure Focusing on Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) – Civil Engineering Department, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi – Pakistan, 2021. (Completed)
All faculty members:
Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
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Associate Professor
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