Assistant Professor

Dr. Muhammad Asif
Assistant Professor
Online Publications
Electrical Engineering with Power Electronics
University of Bradford, UK.
Electronic Engineering
Usman Institute of Technology
Engr. Fahad Ahmed Siddiqui has been part of SSUET since 2010. During this tenure he has been an active participant in research and development. He is serving on FYP committee of Electronic Engineering Department since 2011. He was the member of the team which organized Robocom since 2012 as a biggest robotics in-house competition. His area of interest are Control Systems, Autonomous vehicles and Artificial Intelligence and its application in robotics.
Journal Paper:
Fast Steering Mirror Control Using Embedded Self-Learning Fuzzy Controller for Free Space Optical Communication. Wireless Personal Communications, 2014; · 0.43 Impact Factor.
M.Sc. Thesis:
Basic Obstacle Recognition Using Image Processing
This project involves image processing in order to recognize any obstacle in the path of a robot. It also includes the robot vehicle design and implementation. Different sensors like light, IR Range finder and touch sensor along with handy Board were used to Control the motion of the vehicle.
Bilal A. Alvi, Muhammad Asif, Fahad A. Siddiqui, Amber Israr, M. Shujaat Kamal and Muhammad Yasir “”Robust Controller Design for Satellite Attitude Determination, Stabilization and Control using LQG/LTR”””, Wireless Personal Communications
Bilal Ahmad Alvi, Muhammad Asif, Fahad Ahmed Siddiqui, Muhammad Safwan, Jawad Ali Bhatti “Fast Steering Mirror Control Using Embedded Self-Learning Fuzzy Controller for Free Space Optical Communication”, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 76, Issue 3, June 2014
M. Y. Zaheen, M. Rehan, F. A. Siddiqui, S. W. A. Hashmi, S. Kamal, “Internet based SCADA System for DC Motor Control using PLC”, 1st International Young Engineers Convention, UET, Lahore , 18-20 April 2014.
Bilal Alvi, Muhammad Asif, Fahad A. Siddiqui, Muhammad Safwan, “Fast Steering Mirror Control using Fuzzy Logic Controller For Free Space Optical Communication”, Second International Conference on Mobility for Life: Technology, Telecommunication and Problem Based Learning, Bombay, India, 2013
Fahad A. Siddiqui, Samreen Aamir, M. Asif, Zain A. Ali, “”Lane tracking and autonomous cruise control for automatic highway system””, 19th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
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