Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali
Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Online Publications
Department (s)
Civil Engineering / Transport Planning (2001)
University of Birmingham, UK.
Master of Science
Civil Engineering (1987)
University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA.
Bachelor of Engineering
Civil Engineering (1983)
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Life Member Institution of Engineers Pakistan (Since 1996)
Special honor and Service:
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Administrative Assignments:
Refereed Journal Publications
1. Gassemian M., Ali M.S.and Kukreti, A.R. (1992), Procedure to Predict Ultimate Fracture Failure History for Plane Stress problems, Engineering Fracture Mechanics Journal, Elsevier; Volume 41, Issue 6, April 1992, Pages 919– 933[Journal ISSN: 0013-7944]
2. Junaid Abdul Razzak, Muhammad Shahzad Shamim, Amber Mehmood, Syed Ameer Hussain, Mir Shabbar Ali, Rashid Jooma (2012) A successful model of Road traffic injury surveillance in a developing country: Process and Lessons Learnt, BMC Public Health 2012, 12:357, ISSN 1471-2458
3. W. Uddin, A. Ahmed, M.S. Ali, Satellite Imagery Applications of Urban Road Inventory, Traffic Flow Attributes, and Road Capacity Assessment; International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
4. Mir Shabbar Ali, Muhammad Adnan, Syed Muhammad Noman, Syed Fazal Abbas Baqueri, Estimation of Traffic Congestion Cost- A case study of Major Arterial in Karachi, :Procedia Engineering(online),;; Vol77 (2014)
5. Gazdar, U., Ali, M. S., & Ali, R. (2015). Transport Issues in Karachi: Recommendations for Public Transport System. World Transport Policy and Practice,21
6. Fazal Abbas Baqueri, Syed; Ectors, Wim; Shabbar Ali, M.; Knapen, Luk; Janssens, Davy; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque (2016); Estimation of Value of Time for a Congested Network – A case study of the National Highway, Karachi; Procedia Computer Science, p. 262-269; DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.04.124
7. Mir Shabbar Ali, Muhammad Adnan and Syed Fazal Abbas Baqueri, Toll Estimation as a function of TimeDependent Link Cost, vehicle category and distance– A Case Study for Karachi, (Journal of Traffic and Logistic Engineering), 2016; ©2016 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering 154 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering Vol. 4, No. 2, December 2016; 154-159
8. Sumera Aziz Ali1, Sarah Saleem, Neelofar Sami, Mir Shabbar, Muhammad Ahmed, Shafquat Rozi, Robert L. Goldenberg, Margo S. Harrison, Omrana Pasha; Geographic Access to Working Family Planning Centers and Unintended Pregnancies among Married Women: A Community Based Nested Case Control Study; Open Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 6, 95-108 Published Online February 2016 in SciRes.
9. Mir Shabbar Ali, Use of Accessibility Index For Planning Service Infrastructure, Journal of Architecture and Planning, NED University, August 2015
10. Masood Ali Shaikh, Mir Shabbar Ali; Spatial distribution and accessibility to public sector tertiary care teaching hospitals in Karachi: A Geographic Information Systems application; J.Pak Med Assoc; Vol.66,No.7,July2016, pp 889-892.
11. Muhammad Umer Farooq, Najeed Ahmed Khan, Mir Shabbar Ali “Unsupervised Video Surveillance for Anomaly Detection of Street Traffic.” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017:270-275; [online Issue is available at the following link: IJACSA Volume 8 Issue 12 December 2017
12. Rashid Jooma, Mir Shabbar Ali, Masood Ali Shaikh; Spatial distribution of road traffic crash fatalities in Karachi: Perspective from 2008-2012; J.Pak Med Assoc; Vol. 68, No. 1, January 2018, pp 105-108.
13. Etikaf Hussain, Imran Ahmed, Mir Shabbar Ali, Modelling the effects of rainfall on vehicular traffic, Journal of Modern Transportation, J. Mod. Transport. (2018) 26(2):133–146,
14. Afzal Ahmed , Syeda Ofaq Raza Zaidi, Mir Shabbar Ali , Palwasha Gul; Modelling Commuter Preferences for A Proposed Mass Transit Line in Karachi, Under Review in ISI Indexed Journal, European Transport
15. Syed Muhammad Noman, Dr. Afzal Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali, Comparative analysis of public transport modes available in Karachi, Pakistan, Received: 12 November 2019 / Accepted: 2 April 2020 / Published online: 25 April 2020 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
16. Afzal Ahmed, Mir Shabbar Ali, Satish V. Ukkusuri, A Study on Characteristics of Traffic Flow for Heterogeneous and Undisciplined Traffic Stream Using Geospatial Analysis of UAV Data, Ready for submission in JCR Impact Factor Journal ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering
17. Afzal Ahmed,*, Mir Shabbar Ali , Toor Ansari, Uresha Mansoor; Modelling Heterogeneous and Undisciplined Traffic Flow using Cell Transmission Model; Journal of Traffic and Transportation Management Volume 2, No. 1 (2020) pp. 01-05
18. Afzal Ahmed, Syeda Ofaq Raza Zaidi, Mir Shabbar Ali, Palwasha Gul; Modelling Behaviour of Shuttle Service Users and Preference towards a Proposed Bus Rapid Transit Line; European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2020) Issue 79, Paper n° 6, ISSN 1825-3997
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