
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rashid Kamal Ansari


(021) 34988000

Online Publications




App. Mathematics

Pure Mathematics

Awards & Honors


SSUET – 10 Years
Federal Urdu University – 8 Years
Assoc. Prof, Asst.Prof. Lecturer
Federal Urdu University – 24 Years

Amer. Math. Soc
Karachi Math Assoc
Post Graduate Students:
7 Ph. D. and 3 M. Phil. Completed,
2 MS students’ ongoing


Brief Statement of Research Interest:

  1. Astrophysics
  2. Algebra
  3. Data Analysis

Selected Professional Presentations:
Groups, Symmetry, and Culture (2022)
A hybrid of Statistical and Fractal Techniques to Study Solar-Terrestrial Relations (2021)

Research Publications:

  1. The New Sun (2017), Blue Beacon Books
  2. Illustrations in Science and Philosophy (2016), Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany
  3. Group theory (Co-author) (2011) Department of Composition, Compilation, and Translation, FUUAST Karachi
  4. Dictionary of Mathematical Terms (Co-author) (1984) National Language Authority, Pakistan

Recent Conference Papers:

  1. A hybrid of Statistical and Fractal Techniques to Study Solar-Terrestrial Relations (2021) World Space Week Seminar Series 2021, held on December 23, 2021, at Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
  2. From Exact Sequences to Modules Embedded in Flat Modules, International Conference on Biological Research and Applied Sciences (IBRAS 2021), January 20-21, 2021, at Jinnah University for Women, Karachi
  3. Spotted Stars in the Perspective of HR Diagram, International Conference on Biological Research and Applied Sciences (IBRAS 2021), January 20-21, 2021, at Jinnah University for Women, Karachi
  4. I-Functors and D-Rich Functors, “8th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA-2019)” in Baku, AZERBAIJAN August 27 – 30, 2019.
  5. Omar Khayyam: Calendric Calculations, Cosmic Poetry, and Paintings Reflecting His Poetry, “8th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA2019)” in Baku, AZERBAIJAN August 27 – 30, 2019.
  6. Computation and Analyses of Ionospheric Variables: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and Japan Atmospheric Regions, The 15th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS15) December 21-24, 2019 – Lahore (Pakistan)
  7. Manifestation of Energy of Ionospheric Plasma for F2 Layer of Pakistan Atmospheric Region, The 15th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-15) December 21-24, 2019 – Lahore (Pakistan)
  8. Wavelet Manifestation of the Signals generated by the Yagi Udah and Parabolic Antennas (A Comparative Study), The 15th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-15) December 21-24, 2019 – Lahore (Pakistan)

Research Papers: (Published):
(In 2022)

  1. Regression modeling and correlation analysis spread of COVID-19 data for Pakistan, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 9(3) 2022, Pages: 71-81 (In 2021)
  2. Education in Ukraine and Pakistan: Comparative view on issues and Challenges, Наукові ракурси (Scientific perspectives) 3 (2021): 3-19, VG Korolenko Pedagogical University, Poltava
  3. Model estimation and prediction of sunspots cycles through AR-GARCH models, Indian J Phys June 2021 (In 2020)
  4. On the Problem of Compatibility between Observed and Theoretical Times of Sunset and Sunrise, Наукові ракурси (Scientific perspectives) 2 (2020): 118-124, VG Korolenko Pedagogical University, Poltava
  5. Study of Sunspot Cycles using Fractal Dimensions: Wave-Spectrum Scaling Vol. 13 No. 13 (2020) Arabian Journal of Geosciences 1-6
  6. A Study of Largest Active Region AR12192 of 24th Solar Cycle using Fractal Dimensions and Mathematical Morphology (2020) Solar System Research Vol. 54, No. 4 (2020), pp. 353–359. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2020. (In 2019)
  7. An Analysis of Heavy Tail and Long-Range Correlation of Sunspot and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Cycles, Solar System Research, 2019, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 399–409. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2019
  8. Fractal Analysis and Non-linear Multivariate Model of Keplers stars Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 51(12) (2019) pp. 45-51
  9. Study the Space-Time Variations of Indus River Flow Propagation Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology (Past name: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology), 35 (2), 1-7 (In 2018)
  10. Relation between Luminosity and Surface Rotation of Spotted Stars (2018) Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 14, 1-8
  11. Study Wavelet Manifestation of Interaction of Radio Wave with the Ionosphere at Pakistan Air Space (2018) Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, 49-64
  12. The probability distributions and fractal dimension of sunspot cycles associated with ENSO phenomena (2018) Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11 (3), 63- (In 2017)
  13. Study of Fractal Structure of Plasma Turbulence at Pakistan Atmospheric Region Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 54 (4), 411-416
  14. Study of Sunspots Cycles using Sinusoidal Modeling (2017), Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Khairpur (Pakistan), March 09-11, 2017, 31-34
  15. Comparative Study of Solar Flare North-South Hemispheric K-Index Geomagnetic Activity Time Series Data Using Fractal Dimension (2017) Gomal University Journal of Research 33 (1), 72-79

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