BS Clinical Psychology


Chairperson Message

It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you all to the department of Psychology at Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology. The Department of Psychology at SSUET has strategically planned to advance the understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotion, including functional and dysfunctional processes, across multiple levels of analysis and promote human welfare through translational research involving intervention, dissemination, and implementation in psychology. My vision is to cultivate a healthier tomorrow by aspiring to establish close collaborations between students and faculty to learn the scientific principles of behavior and mental processes and to make significant contributions to the science and practice of psychology. With our admirable team members, we ensure that the undergraduate students will be exposed to many different areas within psychology. Our mission is to provide a teaching-learning environment where students can thrive and prepare themselves to be successful upon graduation ultimately leading students to.....
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Program Overview

The Department of Psychology, Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology puts special emphasis on building a strong knowledge and scope in psychology. The department of Psychology incorporates research, training, education, and skills so that graduates could effectively face the modern challenges of society.

The Department of Psychology offers four (04) years BS in Clinical Psychology program. The aim of this program is to equip graduates to explore their understanding of mind, brain, and behavior, through the scientific fundamentals, international standards, and empirically based models related to Clinical Psychology in order to transform them into proficient professional skills.

Upon completion of this program, the graduates will provide support to the growing field in various domains like hospital settings, academia, organizations, armed forces, and public sector organizations under the supervision of trained and skilled psychologists.

Vision & Mission

The vision of the Department of Psychology is to ensure the development and implementation of the different fields of Psychology to the utmost level of professional excellence, through scientific fundamentals, international standards, and empirically based models.

The aim of the Department of Psychology is to fostering unparalleled research areas while well focusing on the positive impact of Psychological well-being the sound economy in order to constructively contribute towards the betterment of society.

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