BS Computer Engineering

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Computer Engineering has applied reasoning which requires the ability to implement ideas through Software and Hardware technology. The Course is concerned with software and hardware. The course is designed in such a way as to facilitate young Computer Engineers to be able to work in the field confidently or take advanced studies and research work in the related fields. The course is also supplemented through laboratory work and seminars. Ample computing facilities with modern computers are available. Dr. Shakil AhmedChairman,Associate ProfessorComputer Engineering Department, SSUET
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Program Overview

Computer Engineering has applied reasoning which requires the ability to implement ideas through Software and Hardware technology. The Course is concerned with software and hardware. The course is designed in such a way as to facilitate young Computer Engineers to be able to work in the field confidently or take advanced studies and research work in the related fields. The course is also supplemented through laboratory work and seminars. Ample computing facilities with modern computers are available.

Vision & Mission

To become a prominent center of excellence in education and research in Computer Engineering and contribute toward progress of the society.

Computer Engineering Department is committed to providing high-quality education, which enhances problem-solving and analysis skills and leads graduates towards research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Department is dedicated to student grooming so that they understand the moral and ethical responsibilities and possess leadership qualities, team spirit, and professionalism.

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