BS Civil Engineering


Chairperson Message

As-Salaam o alaikum, On behalf of faculty, staff and students, I would like to welcome you to the Civil Engineering Department, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Karachi. Civil Engineering Department is one of the main stream departments of SSUET. The department was established in 1996 almost 23 years ago. Since its inception, the department has flourished and has been producing world class high quality graduates who have excelled and met the local and regional demand of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering is concerned with the development of several basic infrastructure of modern living such as; buildings, roads, bridges, railways, dams, canals, ports and factories, as well as essential services of water supply, sewerage and power stations. Civil Engineering is a profession that has wide scope where graduates can be employed with civil contractors in public and private sector for the construction of buildings, roads, etc. or with consultants.....
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Program Overview

Civil Engineering is concerned with establishing many basic facilities of modern civilized life such as, buildings, roads, bridges, railways, dams, canals, ports and factories, as well as essential services of water supply, sewerage and power stations. In fact, Civil Engineering is a profession responsible for creating the very basic infrastructure of modern society. The profession of Civil Engineering is broadly based and the young graduate may be employed with a contractor on the construction of buildings, roads, etc. or with consultant for the planning and design of a variety of structures or in various Government Departments concerned with design and construction of Civil Engineering works. The course of study have been designed with a view to train the young Civil Engineers to meet the challenges of modern construction practices and to be able to take advanced studies and research in the related field works, seminars and projects.

Vision & Mission

Departmental Vision Statement:
To strengthen teaching, research, and innovation by producing highly competent civil engineers to deliver professional services. They should possess leadership qualities, focusing entrepreneurship and contribute towards social and sustainable development of civil engineering society.”

Departmental Mission Statement:
To impart quality education through modern teaching tools and techniques for socio-economic development and meet future challenges. To prepare graduates to lead and excel as professional and produce practical solution to the industry through research, innovation and entrepreneurship.”

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