
Chairperson Message
Rule and regulations are formulated for the postgraduate studies leading to the Degree of Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi and are updated when required. These rules and regulations were updated on the recommendations of 43rd Academic Council Meeting held on 15th August September 2017.
These rules are applicable to the students admitted in the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) programme of SSUET from Batch Spring 2022 and onwards.
Admission Requirements
Education – Sixteen years of schooling or 4-year education after HSSC or equivalent (minimum 128 credit hours), in relevant area (other backgrounds are also accepted subject to condition) from HEC recognized degree awarding institutes, with following minimum CGPA or marks: 2.00 CGPA (out of 4.00) or 50% marks (in annual system)
Exemption – As per NCRC guidelines, maximum 36 credit hours can be exempted to students with relevant business degree *(such as BBA, BAF, BS Management Sciences, B.Com (Hons), BBIT (Hons) any other ** relevant/equivalent degree program. Hence it is proposed that following courses may be exempted.
Serial No. Subject Area Course Code Course Title
1 Accounting ACC-501 Financial Accounting
2 ACC-503 Cost & Managerial Accounting
3 Finance QTM-503 Business Mathematics & Statistics
4 FIN-502 Financial Management
5 Marketing MKT-510 Marketing
6 Management and HRM MGT-510 Principles of Management
7 Management and HRM MGT-541 Human Resource Management
8 Management and HRM BCM-512 Business Communication
9 Economics ECO-520 Economics
Note: *16 years Business related degrees will get above mentioned course exemption in full. (Subject to the attainment of minimum 60% marks in the courses applied for exemption).
** Other relevant/Equivalent degree holders will get content-based exemption for allowed number of courses as per recommendation.
Test – The SSUET GAT General Test must be passed with a minimum 50% cumulative score prior to admission in the MBA Program. Valid result of NTS GAT General Test with a minimum 50% cumulative score can be accepted in lieu of admission test.
Interview – Candidate has to appear in the interview, to be conducted by the departmental Postgraduate Admission Committee.
Admission Procedure
– Students seeking admission in the MBA programme shall submit their application at the Postgraduate Programme (PGP) office on the prescribed application form along with relevant documents. The PGP office shall forward the admission applications to the concerned departments for evaluation.
– A departmental Postgraduate Admission Committee, comprising of at least 02 senior PhD faculty members, shall be proposed by the chairperson of the department and approved by the Dean.
– The departmental Postgraduate Admission Committee shall assess an applicant’s suitability while considering the following:
i – The admission requirements described in para 3.0.
ii – The maximum number of students that can be admitted in a programme in light of HEC’s policy on the subject.
iii – Prerequisite courses that an applicant may need in order to meet a program’s requirements.
– The departmental Postgraduate Admission Committee shall forward its recommendations to the PGP office through the chairperson of the department.
– The PGP office, on recommendation of the relevant postgraduate admission committee, shall inform the applicants about the result of their application.
Scheme of Implementation
Duration – The duration for completing the MBA degree requirements shall be typically minimum 02 years and maximum 04 years from the date of beginning of the first semester in which a student registers for coursework.
Studies –
i – credit hours (for relevant Business background) and minimum 60-66 credit hours for non-business background are required to be completed within allowed duration. These credit hours will be in addition to any pre-requisite courses recommended by the departmental Postgraduate Admission Committee.
ii – A student may undertake MBA Thesis of 06 credit hours (two additional 6 credit hour courses may substitute MBA Thesis requirement) to be counted towards the MBA degree requirement. The details of MBA Thesis are given in para 6.0.
iii – Minimum CGPA is required to be 2.5 out of 4.0 in the MBA level courses.
iv – A student may repeat an MBA level course in which grade point of less than 2.5 is achieved to improve the CGPA. The improved grade will be used in the computation of CGPA.
v – If an elective course cannot be offered for repetition due to unavoidable circumstances, a student may take an alternative elective course with the approval of the department’s chairperson and shall get the earned grades. The better grade will be used in the computation of CGPA.
MBA Thesis
– A student can register for MBA Thesis after completing 10 courses, 30 credit hours (for non-business background) and 5 courses, 15 Credit Hours (for business background). MBA Thesis is compulsory for SSUET Faculty members.
– Research Synopsis and Title Defense:
i – If a student opts to undertake MBA Thesis, the student is expected to prepare a Research Synopsis under the guidance of the proposed Supervisor. The concerned Chairman shall form a 3 members committee comparing of proposed Supervisor, Chairperson concerned and one internal member. The student has to defend the Thesis Title in front of this committee. The approval of BASR must be sought for Research Synopsis, Thesis Supervisor and Title Defense, on the recommendations of the committee.
ii – The Research Synopsis/Thesis Topic can be changed on the request of MBA student with considerable justification, subject to the approval of BASR.
– A person having MBA(with Thesis)/MS/MPhil or equivalent qualification, meeting HEC’s requirements for experience and having research expertise in the relevant field, can be appointed as a supervisor for an MBA Thesis.
– The supervisor for MBA Thesis shall be selected from the university. However, a co-supervisor can be selected from outside the university. Approval of supervisor and co-supervisor must be obtained from BASR
– A supervisor or co-supervisor of a student can be changed on the request of either supervisor or MBA student with considerable justification, subject to the approval of BASR.
Thesis Evaluation
– The student after completing the research work shall document research details in a MBA thesis. If the supervisor approves that the thesis is of a quality suitable for MBA thesis, then the thesis should be submitted to PGP office for evaluation.
– The thesis shall be checked by Supervisor for plagiarism before submitting the thesis for examination. The Editor SSURJ should check the final version of thesis for plagiarism according to HEC Plagiarism Guidelines.
– The thesis shall be evaluated by the MBA Thesis Defence Committee.
– The MBA Thesis Defence Committee shall be proposed by the chairperson of the department and approved by the Vice Chancellor to conduct open defense. The committee shall be composed of the following members:
i – Supervisor
ii – Internal Evaluator
iii – External Evaluator
The Incharge PGP or his nominee, if not already a member of the committee, shall attend the Thesis Defence as observer
– The student shall give the seminar which will be open to all.
– The Defence Committee shall inform its decision to the PGP office which will forward it to the examination department for notification.
Withdrawal / Drop from MBA program
A student shall be withdrawn / Dropped from the MBA degree programme under following conditions:
– Does not register in any semester within one year of obtaining admission.
– Does not register for two consecutive semesters without informing and without approval of BASR.
– Fails to complete MBA degree requirements within maximum allowed time.
– On disciplinary grounds when recommended by the respective Discipline Committee.
– A student can seek withdrawal from MBA programme at any stage of candidature by requesting BASR through PGP office.
16 years business education e.g. BBA, B.Com (4-year), MBA (16 year), M.Com or equivalent from a recognized institution with at least 60% marks (annual system) or 2.5 CGPA (out of 4) in semester system.
Candidates having 16 year non-business degrees can also apply. However, they will be required to do foundation courses determined on case to case basis.
Details of the program
Name of the program:
Master’s in Business Administration (MBA). Admission will be granted on the basis of the following criteria:
Candidate must qualify SSUET admission test and interview.
Structure of MBA Program for 16 year (nonrelevant education)
Courses are 18 each for 3 credit hours = 54
Thesis for 06 credit hours
Total = 60 credit hours.
Structure of MBA Program for 16 year (relevant education)
Courses are 10 each for 3 credit hours = 30
Thesis for 06 credit hours.
Internship for 0 credit hours
Total = 36 credit hours.
Courses Distribution
Students will be offered following courses in a semester system along with a thesis. One academic year will consist of 02 semesters for 45 hours teaching in each course which will earn them 03 credit hours for each course. Thesis will be supervised by internal faculty and examined by external examiner and its Defense will be conducted by the internal (Supervisor) and External examiners under the chairmanship of the concerned SSUET Dean. Students have to choose 4 courses from same group of Specialization.
To contribute towards entrepreneurship in the local economy and beyond, through quality education, research and innovation, resulting in sustainable socioeconomic development and prosperity.
Empowering entrepreneurs and business leaders via transformative advanced curriculum, research, and innovation for sustainable socioeconomic development and prosperity in national and global economies.
Faculty Members
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Junior Lecturer
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